Two Congregations … One Worshipping Community
First Presbyterian Church and Trinity Fellowship (ELCA) join together to form one worshipping community. We bring together a rich history of excitement and energy with First Presbyterian’s over one hundred years of mission in this community and Trinity Fellowship’s more recent birth into existence in October of 2010. Though from different denominations, we are joined into one community of faith through our one God.
Together our commitments to serving all of God’s creation, following Jesus, and proclaiming the Holy Spirit’s justice form the foundation of our life together.
It is the one God, Creator of the whole cosmos, who brings us into being and nourishes our relationships with all of Creation surrounding us. Our care and stewardship of Creation springs from our relationship with the God of all Creation. God’s creation is all around us here in the Rushford Peterson Valley. It’s easy to understand why people who come here decide to take root. As we live in God’s beautiful creation, we also commit as a community of faith to care for creation, from our community garden to the ways we ensure that the young ones of our community receive enough food through our founding of the community backpack program.
Following Jesus, we are formed as disciples through Jesus’ ministry of radical welcome. Throughout the gospels, Jesus spends his time with those left out and excluded. He keeps all the “wrong” people as company. As a community of sinners and saints, both broken and beloved, we embrace Jesus’ ministry in our own radical welcome.
We are diverse people, we are real people who don’t pretend to be perfect, but instead welcome diverse children of God, especially people of diverse sexual orientations and diverse gender identities and expressions. We also welcome people with diverse immigration and documentation statuses. When Christ welcomes us, how can we help but also extend that welcome to others?
The Holy Spirit empowers us to proclaim God’s reconciling love and justice in the world as well as in our local community. The Holy Spirit is our breath of faith, inspiring our faith to be lived out in care and concern for each other and for those who are vulnerable.
Please explore this site. Check out some of the ways we live out our faith and check us out in person! We worship Sundays at 10am and on the third Sundays of the month we can be found worshiping at Good Shepherd Lutheran Home.
First Presbyterian Church is home to what is reputed to be the first church bell to cross the Mississippi River—and yes, it still rings!
Trinity Fellowship spearheads the new Rushford-Peterson Backpack Program, a community effort that sends supplemental food home with needy elementary students on weekends.